Smoking, is it bad for us , or is it really bad ?!

Why does smoking
harm us?
There are about 4000 different chemicals in
tobacco smoke and many of these are toxic,
cause cancer or damage cells. The three main
ingredients are…
• nicotine – a fast-acting, addictive drug that makes
smokers crave cigarettes
• carbon monoxide – a poisonous gas that quickly
enters the blood stream, lowering the oxygen
supply and causing breathing problems
• tar – a sticky black residue made up of thousands
of chemicals. It stays in the smoker’s lungs and
causes cancer.
Many people think ‘low tar’ cigarettes are less
harmful. But smokers of these brands are likely
to breath in just as much tar, nicotine and other
cancer-causing poisons as smokers of regular tar
brands. In fact ‘low tar’ cigarettes are just as
harmful as regular cigarettes.
Other harmful chemicals that have been found in
cigarettes are…
• acetone – used in nail varnish remover
• ammonia – found in dry cleaning fluids
• arsenic – a deadly poison used in insecticides
• benzene – a cancer-causing solvent used in
chemical manufacture
• cadmium – a poisonous metal used in batteries

Know the early signs of cancer

Sadly, lung cancer is often caught too late. See your
GP straight away if you have any of the following
signs or symptoms. They may not be caused by
cancer but should always be checked out…
• persistent coughing or hoarseness
• a change in a cough you have had for a long time
• being short of breath
• coughing up blood
• an ache or chest pain when breathing or coughing
• a chest infection that does not get better
• unexplained loss of weight or appetite
Smoking and chewing tobacco increases the risk of
other cancers too. It is important that your doctor
checks any new symptoms that do not go away
within a few weeks.

Other effects of smoking
Women who smoke while pregnant greatly risk
harming their unborn babies as well as themselves.
Smoking in pregnancy is a major cause of premature
birth and low birth weight.
Smoking can also cause impotence (problems with
getting and keeping an erection), infertility (in men
and women), premature aging of the skin (wrinkles),
smelly breath and stained teeth.

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